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Contact Form

If you would like to send us an inquiry via e-mail, please use the e-mail form below. Please enter the required fields below and press the “Confirm data” button.Items marked with the * symbol are mandatory fields so please make sure they are all filled in.
After sending the e-mail, if you do not receive a reply after a few days, it is possible that we may not have been able to receive your e-mail successfully.In this case, we kindly ask that you resend your inquiry.

Handling of Personal Information
We collect personal information from applicants in order to screen future employment candidates.
Our company adheres to the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and does its best to handle personal information accurately and appropriately.
People who would like to submit an entry must agree to our company’s privacy policy before proceeding to the screen below.

*indicates mandatory items

    Inquiries to be sent to*

    Representative’s name*

    Surname      Name 

    Company name*



    Postal code and address*


    Telephone number*

      -    -  

    Fax number

      -    -  

    E-mail address (entered twice)*

    Inquiry details*